
A site icon, also known as a favicon, is a unique icon representing your website. This guide will show you how to add a site icon to your site.

Please note, Site Icon should be square and at least 512 × 512 pixels.

Method #1

  1. Navigate to Settings > General.
  2. Click on Choose a Site Icon.
  3. Your site’s Media panel will open where you can upload a new image.
  4. If your image is already at a perfect square dimension, your site icon with be set.
  5. If your image is not a perfect square dimension, you’ll be given the option to crop the image (this step can be skipped on some themes, but is not available on all themes). Once you select a square crop, click the Done button to move forward.
  6. Once the site icon has been selected and/or cropped, it will be saved automatically.

Method #2

  1. Navigate to Appearance > Customize.
  2. Click on Site Identity.
  3. Click on Select Site Icon.
  4. Your site’s Media panel will open where you can upload a new image.
  5. If your image is already at a perfect square dimension, your site icon with be set.
  6. If your image is not a perfect square dimension, you’ll be given the option to crop the image (this step can be skipped on some themes, but is not available on all themes). Once you select a square crop, click the Done button to move forward.
  7. Once the site icon has been selected and/or cropped, it will be saved automatically.